Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What the??!!

Is it really 2008...
Tim keeps giving me a hard time about not writing on my blog and I have to say in my own defense that I have been a little busy.
The year 2007 brought a new addition to our family again! I know that you are asking yourself,"Didn't she just have a baby?" And the answer is yes, Phoenix was not even one when we found out that our family was not yet finished...Deveraux Shay Brown was born Oct. 17th 2007. She is a wonderful little girl, I know that we had to have her to off set Phoenix' rambunctious behavior.
Also in 2007, Kiki started preschool and now wants to be referred to as "Kennedy" because that is a "Big Girls Name." Skylar turned 8 and was baptized in September and it was a wonderful experience for our entire family.
Even crazier was the fact that Tim was on his way to traveling abroad for the first time in 20 years and he received a call to the Bishopric.....I told him he should have taken me and that this is what he gets for not taking me back to Paris is a five year sentence of service!

As far as me not having time....well I guess I better take Mommy time outs writing my blog....its the only therapy that I can get!!

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