Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Happy Birthday to me....Cha, Cha, Cha!
Well another year has passed and let me tell you it was one of the funniest b-day weeks that I have had in a long time.
My BFF Erin and my BFF Summer thought that it would be a fun idea to fly her out for the weekend! I was totally surprised! I got a birthday person!! Kudos to Tim for keeping a secret.
We did everything....Sushi, Presents, Dancing, Movies, Eating, Talking, Shopping, Sprinkles, Ice Cream cake, More eating, Baby Blessings, Baptisms, and finally Super Bowl!
We wore each other out!
The thing is, is that you never know what your going to be up to when BFF's get together. It is pretty much anything goes! That is what makes great friends!
I had a wonderful birthday!
Let's see what my 35th year brings!
In case you are wondering where all the pictures are....
well what happens with the Brown's stays with the Brown's. I will accept cash, check or money orders for my blackmail.....thank you.

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