Tuesday, November 07, 2006

AAHHH Mexico....
Tim's company, Blackdot, sent us all to Cancun Mexico this year. I am starting to actually like this company. Tim and I were so excited to leave the kids in good hands and pack up and leave without a care in the world.
Just Tim and I. In Mexico.
This was going to be different than the Jamaica trip because:
  1. I was not pregnant!(Throwing up in Jamaica with Jerk Chicken smell in the air is not where you want to be,FYI!)
  2. We got a rental car in Mexico, which means no group tor buses.(Rental Scooter anyone?)
  3. We didn't have to see any of the employees at the pool, if we could help it. Particularly the crazy drunks, or bikini scared Mormons, watching our every move."TIM BROWN!!"
  4. And we were for sure not going to miss our flight this time, "Tickets,Money,Passports,Tickets,Money,Passports!!"
So we were off. And I have to say it is one of the most beautiful places that I have been to in Mexico. Stunning, really. We saw all the ruins: Tulum, Coba and Chiten Itza. Not that I am going to make you jealous while most of you sit at your desk jobs, but you probably have nothing else to do so....It was amazing! Crystal blue skies and Caribbean waters. Mexican bottled coke or Senzao(mexico's guarana), and "HELLO" Mexican food. Our favorite!! And we actually climbed up to the highest ruin in all of the Yucatan. I crawled actually and Tim being the mountain goat that he was, jumped all over the place not falling and making me break out in to a cold nervous sweat. It could not have been better. The resort was beautiful too. Not that we spent that much time there. We were everywhere but the resort. Laying by the water and reading magazines all day, I just can't do that now that I have kids. For an hour maybe, I am a nervous wreck. So we read books in the car, driving like the Mexican people, all over the damn place. It was a blast.

Interesting though as many times that I have been to Mexico, hundreds of times probably, no seriously. My grandparents moved down there when I was young and we would visit every summer...that is a totally different story and since I have yet to discuss it with my therapist I don't think we should be talking about it now.

I have to say that Mexico really touched me this time. I don't know if it is because I have three little girls now, that makes me appreciate where we live and the great blessings that we have in our lives, or what.We fell in love with a little town called Coba. Tim loved the tortilla shop where the tortillas were hot,fresh and just under 50 pesos. (50 cents for a stack.) I fell in love with these little old ladies that cooked chicken and would sew these cute bright Mexican dresses. Yes, Tim and I met and explored all that Mexico has to offer. The people, the food and even the red cross.

We also took many great pictures. I don't claim to be the best photographer. But in this area you could possibly be the worst photographer in the world and still take amazing pictures!! No really. Tim and I took fantastic pictures. And the amazing thing is, is that even if they were not really great pictures Jackie enlightened Tim and I with Picasa. So don't be shocked if one of these pictures wins the Costco Sure Shot Picture of the Year!

Speaking of Costco, Tim and I ran in to one of them in Cancun. And yes they do have $1.50 hot dogs and pizza there too! They had in Playa De Carmen a Wal-mart too! How funny.

It was a great trip and don't be surprised if we packed up and moved there, to where I actually believe that they are a more happy and simple people. It was a experience I will never forget.

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