Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I Love Spain!
Tim travels a great deal and just recently told me that he had to go to Spain...
I am for sure totally jealous and wish I was able to go.
It seems like he just stepped out the door and all the girls got sick!
Fever, coughing, you name it. Not to mention that I am up all night.
What a bummer, but it was bound to happen.
I love Spain. But can you imagine if I had left the kids and gone with Tim.
So we have been doing what all sick people do:
  • Watch every Pixar movie ever made. (Thank you Pixar, one day I will be writing you a check for some serious babysitting hours!)
  • Eat all the comfort foods (mac & cheese, bread, cereal, cookies,etc.) in the house or
  • Read trash magazines or WWTDD, PerezHilton!( Skylar got her first PopStar! Magazine)
  • Sleep where ever and when ever.
  • Laying around in our PJ's all day long.
So stay clear of the Brown household. Or don't be surprised when we answer the door looking like train wreaks because we are staying this way until Tim comes home.


  1. you're sweet valentine!

    have you tried umcka syrup for upper respiratory ills? it works like a dream + taste like a cherry snowcone.i get it at whole foods, but te ubrww sdau daughter on lap

  2. Thanks I will try that...
    P.S. Love your blog!
