Sunday, February 10, 2008

Laundry Money?!
Occasionally I get a little joy out of doing laundry....
Now this doesn't happen to often, because if you knew me then you would know that I HATE laundry.
But every now and then when I am enduring hell, I find change at the bottom and either go take the girls for a slurpy at the 7 up the street or put the money in the Christmas Jar ( it's that book that I read last Christmas, an okay book with a great message.That's what Mormon feel good books are about,right?)

Anyways, this week I got a kick out of what I found in the washing machine. My Phoenix loves Littlest Pet Shops. Which is fine if your not stepping on them or getting them stuck in the vacuum(this is why I do not have a Dyson yet, that and it's like 5oo bucks.)

And just in case you wondering,"What are LPS?" they are these little tiny bobble head animals...super cute. They have little magnets on the bottom and they have little houses and vets and animal stuff. You get the idea. I tell ya the things they come up with these days and stuff into our kids heads about what they "need" is crazy.
So here is where I am going with this, some days laundry makes me giggle. Here is the picture to prove it.

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