Thursday, March 20, 2008

I'm Back....
Just when you thought that you could be rid of me!
Well the computer is back on and Tim is in town! Yeah! We are all still alive and busy as ever!
Life just doesn't let up!
All these little girls keep me so busy.
But every once in a while in the midst of all the ciaos, I step back and say,
"I love my life."

Skylar is learning to roller skate, with Kiki skating right behind her(and I have to admit that she is as good, as Sky). Phoenix insists on following right behind them both. With her sister's bright green soccer socks as skates.
She mimics their every move. Fake falling. Around, and around. First left then right. Laughing and yelling "GO,GO,GO!"
While Deveraux smiles and grunts(her form of laughing)at them all.She will be next. I think that she knows that. She has wise little eyes.
Just a glimpse into our cute, crazy, never a dull moment, Brown world.
Yes, it is as much fun as it sounds.
How could it not be with Tim Brown at the center of all the fun.

And when these outspoken people ask, "Are these children all yours?"
And my response is "Absolutely, and we are having soooo much fun!"
It is the truth.
And before you know it I'll be 80 years old saying I wish I could do our fun family all over again! And I wouldn't change a thing!


  1. Brings back memories of skating with all my sisters. I am the oldest of 4 girls and we had and still have so much fun together! Hope you have a very fun and happy Easter!!!!

  2. I love this post! It makes me so excited to have a girl! I can't wait to make these kind of memories! Hope you guys are well. Keep in touch!
