All I really need right now is Summer Kehr!!!
Many of you have never really met Summer Kehr. And those of you that have, had at one time or another said, "Oh I wish Summer were here!"
I am totally serious.
After a week long of throwing up children, ear tubes for Phoenix, homework, Tim gone(again!)and me being sick on top of it. That and the fact that I was completely incapable of going to the grocery store because everyone was so sick.
I am not joking. And those of you that do not have children, remember it isn't always so bad. It is just that in times like these the days are soooo long.
I kept finding myself saying,"If only Summer was here." I know that this sounds weird that I was not wanting my husband here to help and he really he is a big help. Honestly.
But let me explain who Summer Kehr is:
She is one of these women that can walk into a room filled hope,a basket of foods that you have been needing(with no request for payback), lots of kind words of encouragement on what a good mother that you are, an ear to listen to all your complaints(and not repeating them to the first person that she happens to speak to next!). She will help you clean a messy and disorganized house without ever utter a single word on you being a bad housekeeper(I fact the thought probably doesn't even enter her mind.). She help with sick children (and not even think twice about getting sick herself).She pretty much helps you pick up the pieces of your life with a smile and love.
This is in a small and inadequate synopsis of Summer Kehr.
The funny part is, is that if you asked her many friends around the world they would probably way that Summer Kehr is one of their best friends. It is just the way that she is.
I have missed Summer Kehr this week. For many people that know me know that I don't have tons friends. I am really not a friends kind of girl. But I would do just about anything for anyone if asked. I also have great sisters and sister-in-laws that I am very close to and treat as my closest friends and confidants. But I have never truly had a great friend. That is what Summer is to me, a great friend. I feel that I am a better person by having been around her. She is one of a few people that I can say that really exemplifies the Savior. I have never met anyone quite like her.
So when I say that I need Summer Kehr around. You will know that there should be more people like her in the world.
Thank you Summer. Thanks for all the many things that you have done for me. For showing me that Christ's love is real and that I should to strive to be more like him.
I am totally serious.
After a week long of throwing up children, ear tubes for Phoenix, homework, Tim gone(again!)and me being sick on top of it. That and the fact that I was completely incapable of going to the grocery store because everyone was so sick.
I am not joking. And those of you that do not have children, remember it isn't always so bad. It is just that in times like these the days are soooo long.
I kept finding myself saying,"If only Summer was here." I know that this sounds weird that I was not wanting my husband here to help and he really he is a big help. Honestly.
But let me explain who Summer Kehr is:
She is one of these women that can walk into a room filled hope,a basket of foods that you have been needing(with no request for payback), lots of kind words of encouragement on what a good mother that you are, an ear to listen to all your complaints(and not repeating them to the first person that she happens to speak to next!). She will help you clean a messy and disorganized house without ever utter a single word on you being a bad housekeeper(I fact the thought probably doesn't even enter her mind.). She help with sick children (and not even think twice about getting sick herself).She pretty much helps you pick up the pieces of your life with a smile and love.
This is in a small and inadequate synopsis of Summer Kehr.
The funny part is, is that if you asked her many friends around the world they would probably way that Summer Kehr is one of their best friends. It is just the way that she is.
I have missed Summer Kehr this week. For many people that know me know that I don't have tons friends. I am really not a friends kind of girl. But I would do just about anything for anyone if asked. I also have great sisters and sister-in-laws that I am very close to and treat as my closest friends and confidants. But I have never truly had a great friend. That is what Summer is to me, a great friend. I feel that I am a better person by having been around her. She is one of a few people that I can say that really exemplifies the Savior. I have never met anyone quite like her.
So when I say that I need Summer Kehr around. You will know that there should be more people like her in the world.
Thank you Summer. Thanks for all the many things that you have done for me. For showing me that Christ's love is real and that I should to strive to be more like him.
I couldn't agree more!!! Summer & Jonathon had us over for dinner right when we first moved to San Clemente and instantly made us feel welcome! Love and miss this girl, too!