Monday, October 09, 2006

Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy?

So here is the eternal debate...what defines keeping the sabbath day holy? (I did not say laundry...oh no, that would be eternal hell! In which I live everyday and is a story for another time.)

Tim's definition is not doing anything on sunday, unless a distant friend is in town, then Wahoo's does not qualify in breaking the sabbath. He does believe that if you want to swim in a pool, go to the beach, or go to a movie, than this is strictly forbidden and that you are definitely breaking the sabbath.

So we have now, and in the past have debated this issue. And for those of you that know Tim it's like debating, oh I'm sorry, it's like banging your head against a brick wall. He's good, he's very good at debating and turning the issues around. He is one of the best at arguing, that I know.

So this past Sunday the item to discuss comes up that Skylar and her dad Jay are going to go to a movie. They are going to go see Monsterhouse. It really wasn't that good, just for the record. But I try to stay neutral with these things that Jay wants to do because for the most part they never happen. So I say "Yes" that she can go. I get off the phone and Tim tells me that he doesn't like the idea that Sky is going on a Sunday! What?! This is as we are driving to meet friends of Tim's that have come from out of town and we skipped out on church and are going to the resturant to meet them. I laughed. You have got to be kidding me right, I said...we are on our way to break the sabbath, right now! His response is, well we have to eat. It is on!!

We argued and debated all the way to the resturant. Because this is what Tim and I do best. We both think that we are right! (Tim's comment - F'ing A I am always right!)

Meanwhile, and you will think that we are either bad parents or just plain "Old School" when I say this but Kiki is in the back seat in one of those lame booster seats and has again unbuckled her seat belt, bouncing around, again. I really don't care to be honest with you, but I am saying to Kiki that she needs to buckle up and the while trying not to suddenly lose the arguement to Tim. I am a wonderful multi-tasker. So she is having a blast in the back seat...watching us argue, talking to Phoenix and moving around. I used to love doing that as a kid, honestly, didn't you? What has happened in America that we can't make these kind of decisions anymore? It is like we are the children now.

Anyways, we pull up to a red light and there is one car next to us that Tim sees and then the next car over that I see. A nosey women is yelling at the top of her lungs, at me pointing and tugging at her seatbelt. She wants me to buckle up Kiki. I can't believe the nerve of some people. So what do I do...I start screaming back at her,saying "Shut up, you dumb A!#hole! You stupid B%^ch!!! All the while filpping her the bird. (One of my prouder moments.) Tim already knows that I think I need to be in the nut house, I think that this just sealed the deal. He looks at me, jaw wide open. Probably thinking that I have Turet's (original spelling by Heather) Tourettes syndrome. And just laughs.

Even now when I think about it I can't help but laugh too!! And the funny part is that Kiki kept repeating all things that I had said, except for the word "stupid" because in her world that really is the only bad word that I said!
And the even funnier part is Tim thinks that he won the arguement.
But my secret revenge was tonight when I had Tim teach the FHE lesson, on you guessed it, Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy!!
Tada! I win!!

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