Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Old Heather verses the New Heather

There once was the Old Heather that wouldn't take any crap from people. This story is a reflection on how the "New" Heather has taken over in her spot.Which Tim thinks is scarier than the Old Heather.

I have this crazy neighbor. Her name is P.I.T.A. She has become this disgruntled lady over a parking spot on the public street, in front of our house. She is absolutly crazy, a drunkin fool that chain smokes. And leaves notes on my car saying,"Do unto others as they would have do unto you." Crazy lady qouting scriptures.

She comes over all the time and complains in her drunken speech about this parking spot. I have decided that I will park there as much as possible just to make her even more crazy.

Anyway, the Old Heather would not be putting up with any of this crap. She would of dropped everything, parked in her spot, walked over, chewed her ass a new one and started a knock down drag out with this lady (and her scary looking brood too). Then I probably would have taken what was left of her vodka, gone outside and lite up her freakin car like a christmas tree.

Now that was the Old Heather. Not to bad. I would have probably spent a little time at the police station, no big deal.

The New Heather is trying the LDS approach. Which is turning the other cheek. Not cusing her out in front of my girls. Thinking about letting her have the stupid parking spot. And then going over to make peace and bring her some baked goods.(which I haven't done.)

It is hard to be good. The Old Heather thinks the New Heather is a pansy-ass. So we are still trying to reach a middle ground.

I am still parking in PITA's spot and I just tell Tim that need to park there for dumb reasons. So that I can have a little confuntation again.Not a shock for those that know me well. But each time she comes over I keep coming up with better slams with words instead of using my fists.Its new for me...

I just can't help myself. What is the Old Heather comes back?

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