Thursday, March 19, 2009

In the leafy tree tops the birds sing good morning!
Here is Phoenix doing what she does best, adventure!
She loves to climb this tree on our block.
I love this little baby of mine!
She is so full of life:
Running, jumping, singing, laughing, smiling, climbing.
Anything that the big girls are doing she is doing right along side of them. And holding her own I might add. The other day when she just got to high on the tree for Skylar's liking, so Sky did what big sisters do she attempted to bring her down.
She was crying and wailing. Saying "I do it! I do it!"
Finally when Sky let go, Phoenix proceeded to climb up again, even a little high than I was comfortable and then climbed right back down and said, "See, I do it! YEAH!"
She is full of adventure and I so enjoy watching her grow.
In 2 weeks she will be 3 years old.
April 6.
She is a great joy in our family and I am so blessed to be her momma!


  1. your girls are ALL sooo cute, and they all have their own individual looks and characters ... so much fun!

  2. I loved reading your blog. I saw your Facebook post. Your blogs are hilarious! Tricia (Nash) Bunker

  3. That girl is beautiful. THank you for spotlighting her. I wish I could be around her more and watch her cute little personality. She sounds like your kinda girl!
