Monday, July 20, 2009

The Browns are growing up!

I can't believe how fast everyone seems to be growing up...
right before my eyes.
Recently I was talking to a friend of mine that has since gone back to work and she is telling me all the benefits of going back to work, she has 4 kids too.
Sometimes she has a point,
really I never seem to get two 15 minute breaks or a 1 hour lunch all to myself.
I never drive in silence or listening to talk radio.
You don't get a medal for hard work.
You hardly talk to adults about real life.
You make lots of money which allow for more freedoms.
She said she was.."Heather, I'm Living Dream."
She was selling me on it.

And then...
I looked at my life.

I get to have breakfast with the girls every morning.
We cook, clean, laugh, and read together.
We go to the beach and play.
They give sticky kisses for me.
They hold my hands.
They say the love me.
They help make dinner with me.
They cheer when daddy comes home.
We watch movies and play games.
We go to church and pray together.
We attend all school and sports functions together.

And I really love it...
sure it has days that are difficult.
Sure I am not going to get constant praise,
Or pats on the backs.
I not going to make millions of dollars,
to buy fancy cars, a huge house, or spectacular clothes.
These things may look important to the world.
This is how people may measure success.

She missed the big picture.
She missed what is really the dream.
Not one of these things will bring you joy, love or fulfillment.
I want to live my life not missing one thing with my girls.
No regrets.

I laughed a little to myself.
Like I had some secret that she didn't quite understand.

I am Living the Dream.


  1. Ah, that gave me goosebumps. I liked this post! It's funny how quickly we forget how important family is when our neighbor has a nicer car or better vacations. But when I see my kids treating each other kindly, it reminds me how blessed I am to get to spend every day with them! I love my babies! I don't want them to grow up!

  2. You go girl! Thanks for the reminder!

  3. You are an example to me of being happy with the life we've chosen. We can be satisfied with our hum drum/lovely life when we keep our goal in sight...eternal family. xoxo

  4. i agree with my summer sister too. thanks for the reminder. i usually need that like once a day. especially since i'm like 6 YEARS away from having all mine in school.

  5. Heather I loved your post, I feel the same way, you can never get this time back!! Can't wait to catch up with ya at the family reunion!!
